4 Ways to Improve your Email Automation Strategy

1. Personalisation

Modern customers need personalised experiences, and this directly applies to email. Research shows that customers are more willing to expose personal data in exchange for something that feels more personal. Email is therefore a great way to work your way around that. Personalisation tactics can vary- from first names, to personalising whole emails, to personalised suggestions, to many more.

2. Build on their previous experience

How important is a customer’s digital shopping experience? Read all about it here. The answer is simple: It’s important. Making one’s experience unique, connected to the brand and tailored to individual needs is what will keep a customer coming back. Start working around personalised messages, push notifications, suggestions and other pairings based on their previous experience with the brand. Ask them for feedback, showcase relevant products, etc. This tactic will increase brand value and therefore increase the chance of shoppers coming back. To get the right balance of engagement and personalisation, see our recent blog on Why customer engagement is important for a business.

3. Calculate your email ROI

According to dotdigital’s recent email benchmarking report, the ROI on emails is 42 to 1. This shows how email is the most lucrative marketing channel of all. Make sure to track your ROI to improve the effectiveness of your emails. The ROI calculator is an easy tool to help you adapt your email automation strategies, while calculating your click rate, conversion rate and costs per conversion. This will in turn will help you drive more sales. Click here for an easy ROI calculator solution.

Email automation strategy

4. Social Media

Increased traffic of online customers and their shift towards social channels has been seeing an increase since the very first lockdown. Many of these shoppers expect the same prompts online as they get in store. Email content should always remain relevant, and targeted at the shopper’s purchasing decisions. Modern consumers are looking for easy, quick and informative purchases, and they’re willing to look at all your social media platforms before placing their order. Start investing in your social media channels and other digital outlets that showcase your brand. The data gathered from your social media insights can thus help you build a more personalised email approach.