A Guide to Social Commerce and Why It is Winning

It’s undeniable that at this point, social media platforms are essential to modern living. Social media platforms such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Pinterest continue to attract and retain users by providing them with material that they find interesting and engaging.

Brands and merchants in Asia and the Pacific realized they could make better use of mobile commerce by incorporating social media. Thus, they came up with the relatively new notion of “Social Commerce.”

social commerce
Social Commerce

The Concept and Practices of Social Commerce

Buying and selling within a social networking site are known as “social commerce.” This strategy expands social media’s function beyond discovery by recommending that consumers finish the entire buying process inside their favorite apps.

Social Commerce practices include:

●        Give coupons and other deals to people who talk about your goods on social media.

●        Customers can make purchases based on their specific preferences and a streamlined shopping experience.

●        The practice of luring visitors using eye-catching visuals, including movies and photos, persuasive product descriptions, engaging posts, etc.

●        Promoting user-generated information like product reviews, recommendations, and testimonials.

Why is Social Commerce Winning?

Social commerce has more benefits than just an increase in overall sales.

Enhanced Interaction with Customers

By using social media, you may have two-way conversations with your customers. It’s a great tool for advertising, but it also helps your target market feel more connected to the things you’re promoting. People are more likely to look at past customer reviews, comments, and opinions on these platforms. This makes your company look more trustworthy and gives them the information they need to make a good buying decision. With just a few clicks, customers can now find the exact product they’re looking for and complete their purchase.

Constantly Expanding Viewership

Attracting and maintaining customers is of utmost importance in social commerce. Keep in mind that 16.98% of the world’s population is in Southeast Asia. These numbers show how influential social media platforms are in the daily lives of the millennial generation and how your company may reach a wider audience through advertising and promotion. If you have a social commerce strategy, you can keep your current customers and bring in new ones simultaneously.

Increased Average Order Value

Streamlining the online shopping experience with one-click checkout, interactive lookbooks, and more is a great way to get customers to buy more. The material posted on your audience’s social page, the convenience of the purchasing cycle across all devices, the products their friends and followers are buying, etc., all contribute to a higher average order value for your business. The idea is that social media can get people to spend more money and that you can use this information to make better recommendations for each customer.

Improved Position in Search Results

Promoting your business on social media brings more people to your website, which helps you make more money. How? Customers are more likely to buy from you again if you give them content that is tailored to their specific interests and makes them more engaged. In addition, this facilitates the creation of inbound links, suggestions, comments, and feedback.

Increased Understanding of the Customer Base

With the help of social commerce, it’s easier to quantify and analyze information about how well your business is doing. These media make it easy to get regular analytics about impressions, engagement, and reach. With the right audience segments in place, you can provide relevant content to everyone. You can learn valuable information by comparing two project versions, keeping tabs on how well your material performs, and researching your audience’s behavior.

social commerce
Social commerce


Social commerce gives users a small version of shopping on their social sites and encourages them to buy by letting them interact with the products and services. On these platforms, customers can read and write product reviews and share product information with friends and followers. Social media is changing from being a place to advertise products to being the store itself. If you mix the social aspects of shopping with easy, direct account purchases, you’re likely to spend more. Through social commerce, businesses can use the power of data and AI, which can increase conversion rates compared to traditional forms of advertising and reduce friction as social media companies try to keep their growth rates high.

For more e-commerce tips & what to look out for, find more on our Blog Page.